Who are you and what do you do in the cannabis industry?

High, my name is Lauren Miele Owner and Founder of KushKards: The Cannabis Greeting Card where you can strike a match and light the joint you attach! I am a 27-year-old entrepreneur who decided to go for my dreams by leaving my corporate design job in Manhattan and taking the leap to move to Denver, Colorado where I could fully grow my business. Three years later, Kushkards are located in 250 retail locations across 26 states. My mission is to create cannabis friendly greetings to strengthen personal relationships through handwritten notes and tokes. Meet the founder of KushKardsA day in the life of being a women-owned business in the cannabis industry is ever-changing. I wear all of the hats, so the beginning of my week starts with sales calls, follow-ups and reaching out to new inquiries interested in carrying KushKards. As I move throughout the week production is in full effect. Each card is made by hand, by me! I must say I probably have made over 20,000 cards in over three years of starting this business. Being an operation manager deals with being on top of your supplies so I never run low. Switching to the design process I am always thinking of new cards, collaborations, and effective marketing graphics. Being a self-run business I have to be a self-starter every day. I always incorporate a great workout to keep the energy flowing.

Why do you choose to consume?

I choose to consume because it keeps me in a peaceful state of mind. Reasons for consumption also depend on the type of effect I am looking for after. Sativa’s are great for long tedious projects. Hybrids are very helpful with non-stop days and something to take the edge off. I feel connected to my inner self and seem to drift off to a state where all my worries are out of sight. My inner GRL PWR comes out extra fierce as well.

How has cannabis affected your lifestyle?

High from ColoradoCannabis has affected my lifestyle by helping look at life in color. It stabilizes my mood when situations get out of hand. It brings me to my center with sudden changes. I enjoy smoking socially just as much as other’s enjoying drinking. It has that “feel good” feeling that stems from self-confidence. Cannabis has had a positive influence on my life and I think very highly of it.

What is your favorite activity to do while high?

My favorite activity to do while high is all things KushKards. From the handmade production to the conceptual thought process of creating new cards. When asked who comes up with all the clever puny sayings I always say “it is who I smoke with”. I feel as if I tap into my creative side, heavily focused at the task at matter and let the high-deas keep flowing.

What's your favorite way to consume?

Lauren's favorite way to consume is in a jointMy favorite way to smoke is the good old doobie way. With my cannabis experience starting on the east coast, joints or blunts were the only option. When “puff puff pass” was our motto I continue to consume with a cone rolled tight makes everything right. I recently started enjoying infused 5 MG mints. A fun and easy way to enjoy a high all the time.

What's your most memorable high story you have?

My most memorable high story was at the Spring 2018 Mason Jar Event in Denver, Colorado, a cannabis pairing dinner. I designed the menu that was on a projector for the attendees to look at through each course. When the sponsor INDVR went to give a speech on their new Vape Pens I was in charge of clicking the PowerPoint presentation slides when given the signal.

After a whole joint and a dab I missed the signal and was just listening (pondering in space) to the presentation enthused by their new Dark Chocolate Mint flavored vape pen. After about 30-50 seconds I realized I was given the signal about 3 times and the room filled with laughter applauding my stoner moment. I was on point for the remainder of speech with chuckles here and there every time I clicked the next slide. This was highly memorable.

What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?

Paper that reads "girl power."The best piece of advice I have received was to “stay in my own lane”. This can be related to personal or business practices. When one is in their own lane, the focus will never be on something else it will always be on you. There is no time in this day of age to compare yourself or your business to anything or anyone else. I have learned in my own journey that your greatest level of success comes when you do YOU.

What's your favorite high food?

My favorite high food is any type of chip. A good crunch for the munch makes it all worth it. A few favorites are crunchy Cheetos and Cheddar Sun Chips.

For anyone looking to make the leap into independent employment, what is one piece of advice you have for them?

My best advice to anyone who is looking to leap into independent employment is to have strength. Not all times are glorious but it makes the times that are even better. Be prepared! When stepping out on your own, you have to have a whole new perspective on day to day life! You make the rules now!

Is there antyhing else you would like to share about your cannabis story?

My favorite theory is “You are what you Create”. This means be proud of what you are doing in life today because you created it. I feel as if I embody my brand through smoking “kush” and the love to make greeting “kards.” I get high off of success, so let’s toke to success!