Swiss Gold

Swiss Gold Products

About Swiss Gold

Chocolate, watches, money -- Switzerland is known for many things, but cannabis isn’t typically ones of them. Oddly enough, Swiss Gold comes not from Switzerland but from Northern California where it was first bred by accomplished breeder Lawrence Ringo, founder of Southern Humboldt Seeds. Ringo, who passed away in 2014, kept the exact genetics of Swiss Gold proprietary, but with typically higher levels of CBD than THC, it’s clear that this strain offers therapeutic and relaxing effects.

Swiss Gold’s flowers stand out with a medium to large size and a well-formed conical shape. These buds show an indica influence, with a densely-packed structure and small leaves that spiral tightly inward toward their central core. The leaves themselves are an olive green and are twisted through with hairy orange and yellow pistils. Finally, amber-colored trichomes coat the inner and outer surfaces of these compact flowers, giving them the golden glow to which their name refers.

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At first, consumers tend to be struck by this strain’s astringent odor of gasoline. On closer inspection, there’s also a powerful citrus scent underlying this diesel funk. Grinding up the buds yields woodsy notes of pine. When combusted in a pipe or a joint, Swiss Gold burns with a thick, acrid smoke that may be difficult for some to inhale. This harsh smoke finishes with a fruity and skunky flavor on the exhale.

Typical Effects


Common Usage


A true creeper, Swiss Gold may not reveal its effects until as many as 15 minutes after users have savored its complex flavor. Smokers tend to feel just hint of the buzzy head high that pervades more THC-rich strains, with some increased pressure around the temples and a brief capacity for stimulated thinking. Soon after, though, these sensations melt into a thorough feeling of relaxation that encompasses body and mind. Consumers who may have been standing may notice that their limbs are heavy, leading them to seek out a comfortable horizontal surface on which to stretch out. This physical decompression can also contribute to a relief from muscular tension and can help a wired, jittery body find stasis and calm. Mentally, any of the day’s stresses or preoccupations tend to dissolve into the background as the smoker’s immediate surroundings become the only thing to hold interest. Because it tends not to negatively affect cognition, Swiss Gold can be a great way to enjoy a variety of tasks. If you’re working from home, it can enable relaxed, kicked-back work on complicated analytical tasks. Alternatively, the strain’s relaxing of inhibitions may allow for open-ended creative brainstorming sessions. For those in a less productive mood, Swiss Gold is just as enjoyable as a way to unwind with a small group of like-minded friends. To maximize the therapeutic strain’s properties, pair it with atmospheric enhancements like some moody music or some light aromatherapy. Because it is more likely to make users tired than stimulated and energized, Swiss Gold is recommended for enjoyment during the late afternoon through early evening.

Swiss Gold’s medical properties primarily flow from its high CBD content. The bud can temporarily take the edge off of stress, depression, and even anxiety. It may also dull physical pain, whether it’s injury-related or due to chronic conditions like arthritis or lupus. In the right set and setting, Swiss Gold can counteract insomnia, lulling smokers into a restful sleep. As with other high-CBD strains like Charlotte's Web or Cannatonic, Swiss Gold is a good option for patients who’d rather avoid the potentially potent and panic-inducing high that comes from THC.

THC Content











Southern Humboldt Seeds has not made seeds of Swiss Gold available for sale online. As such, home growers should seek out clippings of healthy plants of the strain in order to foster “clones.” The bud can be grown indoors or out, although successful outdoor cultivation calls for a semi-humid climate with daytime temperatures between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Gold’s plants grow short and bushy with strong lateral branching and can be easily accommodated indoors. The strain flower within a brief 8 to 9 weeks.

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Swiss Gold joins the ranks of other powerful buds high in CBD. It’s great for a variety of tasks and an even wider variety of medical patients.
