Ill OG

Ill OG Products

About Ill OG

Ill OG is an indica-dominant hybrid created by breeders LA Kush. A phenotype that arises from staple hybrid True OG crossed with itself, Ill OG has a knockout Kush aroma and intense, body-focused effects. This strain’s dynamic, slow-moving high can be a boon to cannabis newcomers and veterans alike. Its THC levels have been measured at between 17% and 23%.

Flowers of Ill OG catch the eye right away thanks to a larger than average size. They adhere in a pinecone-like shape, tapering down from a wide base into a pointed tip. The internal structure of these buds hews more indica, with a core made solid by tightly-curling leaves. These leaves themselves are small and broad and come in a dappled mix of mossy green and yellow. Finally, orange pistils and snowy, translucent trichomes make these chunky nuggets even more colorful.

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Ill OG’s flowers give off a dank, earthy scent characterized by notes of damp soil and leaves. A deeper whiff may also reveal a woody aroma with some hints of pine. When these dense buds are cracked open or ground up, meanwhile, they can give off more of an astringent diesel odor. When flowers are burnt, all these strong scents combine in a thick, sour smoke that may cause watery eyes or coughing fits. On the exhale, this heavy smoke tastes like pine mixed with gasoline.

Typical Effects


Common Usage


Smokers may begin feeling Ill OG’s effects before they’ve even finished coughing on its smoke. The strain can bring head-focused sensations like a throbbing around the eyes and temples or some stimulation of the salivary glands. Once they acclimate to this headrush, users can enjoy Ill OG’s vibrant mental effects. Thoughts may seem more significant than usual and may stop to dwell on concepts that might not otherwise interest the consumers. For some, the strain can also warp sensory stimuli, leading to odd auditory and visual distortions or to trippy experiences of time moving more slowly. Those who enjoy these psychedelic phenomena can amplify them with the help of atmospheric music or a visually engaging movie. In social situations, meanwhile, Ill OG can bring chattiness and friendly vibes.

After about an hour, Ill OG’s mental edge begins to melt into a decidedly physical high. Limbs and eyelids may start to sag in equal measure, leading any active or mobile users to seek relief in the comforts of home. At this point, breathing may happen more deeply and easily, helping consumers to forget about any peripheral worries or preoccupations. With increased dosage, couchlock becomes more and more likely -- and eventually, smokers may lose any prior motivation, falling into a pleasantly immobilized state. At this point, Ill OG is best enjoyed in pursuit of more kicked-back activities like board games or binge-watching. Because of its mostly sedative properties, this strain is recommended for early evening or night time consumption.

THC Content











Ill OG’s relaxing high can be as useful for medical cannabis patients as it is for recreational ones. Its persistent sense of calm may temporarily relieve some symptoms of stress, depression, anxiety, and even PTSD. The strain can also dull physical pain, whether it’s temporary and injury-related or due to chronic conditions like fibromyalgia or arthritis. Anti-inflammatory properties may take the sting out of common discomforts like nausea or cramps. In large enough quantities -- and a properly relaxed setting -- Ill OG may even work against insomnia, lulling consumers to sleep. Since its mental effects have a lower than average risk of morphing into paranoia, this strain may be a good option for patients who have a low THC tolerance or who are prone to panic.

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Unfortunately for home growers, LA Kush has not made seeds of Ill OG available for sale online. Instead, those looking to cultivate their own should obtain clippings of mature plants from a trusted source. These clippings can be fostered as “clones” and may be grown in controlled indoor conditions or in a hot, humid outdoor climate. Judging by the indica-inflected structure of their buds, plants may have a short, bushy stature with strong lateral branching patterns. These indica roots also suggest that Ill OG reaches flowering maturity within a short 8 to 9 weeks.

With just a hint of mental stimulation, Ill OG is a great choice for indica fans who crave a mild cerebral buzz. The strain’s interest flavor profile may also appeal to terpene fans.


February 12, 2020

Scuba Steve

The genetics of this plant is incorrect I spoke with LA Kush directly and the genetics to ILL OG are KING SKYWALKER x TRUE OG x LARRY OG just wanted to make sure the consumers know the right info

December 16, 2019


I’ll OG by Los Angeles Kush is an 70% Indica containing 29% THC. The full army green buds have tan pistils & are covered in crystal trichomes. Spicy herbal pine is the smell & taste. This long lasting Indica sedates the body & liberates the mind which can lead to a great nights sleep if used before bedtime. Protect The Harvest :)