Heavy Duty Fruity

Heavy Duty Fruity Products

About Heavy Duty Fruity

Heavy Duty Fruity is a sativa-dominant strain with serious bag appeal and palpable effects. Bred by Dutch cannabis producers T.H. Seeds, its genetic background includes Big Bud and Mendocino Hash Plant. Heavy Duty Fruity has won fans thanks to its bold aroma as well as its multidimensional high. The strain’s THC content has been measured at between 18% and 26%.

Thanks to the influence of parent strain Big Bud, Heavy Duty Fruity impresses with large, chunky flowers. These long, tapered buds have an sativa-inflected internal structure, with longs, spindly leaves that spiral away from one another at their margins. The wispy leaves themselves are a mossy green and, thanks to the presence of anthocyanin pigments, show off occasional flashes of pale lavender to deep purple. Finally, Heavy Duty Fruity is capped off by curly orange pistils and translucent, cloudy trichomes.

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When properly cured, Heavy Duty Fruity has a very sweet aroma characterized by notes of fruit and citrus. A closer inspection may also reveal some funky, almost fermented scents. Grinding up these thick buds, meanwhile, can release more of a spicy, incense-like odor, possibly passed on from Hash Plant. When combusted in a pipe or a joint, Heavy Duty Fruity gives off a surprisingly light and easily palatable smoke. On the exhale, this smoke has a musky and slightly tropical taste.

Typical Effects


Common Usage


The high from Heavy Duty Fruity can creep up slowly, requiring as many as 10 or 15 minutes before starting to reveal its effects. Smokers may feel some initial tingling around the temples and forehead, as well as a possible flushing in the cheeks. These sensations are matched by a gradual change in sensory perception; consumers may experience certain external stimuli with a new depth or complexity and may be prone to mild hallucinations. They may also experience an elevation in thinking patterns, with ideas jumping from one to another in excited free association. This stimulated, cerebral mood can allow for work on complex analytical tasks as well as on freewheeling creative projects. For smokers who are so inclined, Heavy Duty Fruity’s psychedelic properties can be amplified by some moody music or an engaging movie.

After about an hour (or even sooner, if dosage is increased), this strain begins to exert its considerable physical effects. An anxiety-killing tingle that begins in the neck and shoulders may spread down through the spine and out into the limbs. At first, these relaxing properties exist alongside the strain’s initial mental edge, although eventually, they may eclipse them, killing motivation and concentration. For some, Heavy Duty Fruity’s blend of mental and physical stimulation can serve as a potent aphrodisiac; it may also enhance other activities that call for complex coordination like exercise and dancing. Because of its two-stage high, Heavy Duty Fruity is recommended for afternoon to evening use.

THC Content











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Heavy Duty Fruity’s wide-ranging effects can also have some usefulness for medical cannabis patients. Its early feelings of acuity may help those with attention deficit disorders to focus on one task at a time. Its elevated mood may also temporarily distract from mild to moderate cases of stress and depression. Physical benefits include relief from deep-seated aches and pains, as well as anti-inflammatory effects that can dull everything from headaches to nausea. In sufficient quantities, the strain can even lull relaxed consumers into a deep sleep, making it a viable treatment for insomnia. Because of its potentially disorienting feelings of “mindrace,” Heavy Duty Fruity is not recommended for patients who are prone to panic or paranoia.

Although seeds of Heavy Duty Fruity have previously been made available for sale online, supplies do not appear to be regularly stocked. Those looking to grow the strain at home also have the option of seeking out clippings which can be propagated as genetically identical “clones.” Once obtained, plants can be grown indoors or out, although success outdoors calls for a semi-humid, Mediterranean-like climate. These medium-height crops tend to have a bushy silhouette with strong, sideways-growing branches. Heavy Duty Fruity flowers within 9 to 10 weeks and, as its name suggests, offers a high yield of product at maturity.

With good looks and strong psychoactivity to back them up, Heavy Duty Fruity is a winner for indica and sativa fans alike. Its resinous flowers may also be useful for producing hash and other THC concentrates.
