Frisian Dew

Frisian Dew Products

About Frisian Dew

With a reputation like none other, Dutch Passion Seed Company has cranked out yet another winner with Frisian Dew. Initially developed in 2008 by crossing Super Skunk with Purple Star, it won accolades at the High Life Cannabis Cup that same year. Even the breeders themselves were impressed with the beauty of this strain, but it’s just one of many things that she brings to the table.

Although a high of 17% THC isn’t enough to rock your socks, that doesn’t mean this bud won’t still help you to have a great time. Very airy nugs are a light mint color and feature a thick and milky coating of white trichomes. A bit of a strong flavor and aroma comes along with this plant, as notes of blueberry, pine, and skunk all make their way to your nose and taste buds. Some might find Frisian Dew to be an acquired taste, but once you experience her effects, there’s a good chance that you’ll be much more forgiving when it comes to her flavors.

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Frisian Dew isn’t a super psychedelic strain, making it a great choice for daytime when you have things to do. Users notice that they’re filled with euphoria right off the bat, and along with being incredibly joyful, their ability to zero in on creative tasks is second to none. Depending on the industry you’re in, this strain may be a true godsend each and every workday. While you’ll be super productive during your high, a warming sensation will also creep in and help you to physically relax. While this likely won’t change your energy level, it’s worth noting as this blend of effects can sometimes be hard to manage.

Typical Effects


Common Usage

A Loss of Appetite
A Loss of Appetite

A classic choice for daytime medicinal relief, Frisian Dew helps individuals who struggle with stress and depression by boosting their mood and leaving these feelings out in the cold. Physical pain including headaches and cramps can also be soothed here, and if it wasn’t already clear, daily fatigue can be assisted by this strain’s energetic properties. Some users find they also experience the munchies with this bud, so appetite issues may also be alleviated after a few puffs.

As if this strain wasn’t amazing enough already, Frisian Dew is an ideal choice for home cultivators. While she will thrive indoors and doesn’t need much attention, her true passion is to live outside. She’s hearty, mold and pest resistant, and does well in most North American climates. Indoor growth will finish in about 8 weeks while an outdoor harvest will be ready in the early part of October.

THC Content











Her flavors may not be quite as fresh as her name sounds, but Frisian Dew can still offer you a world of joy. Try her before a busy day at work or even on the weekends when you want to have enough energy for all of your fun plans.

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February 18, 2020

Traditional Banana Man

Very hardy beginners strain that grows fine in the UK. All three seeds germinated just fine.The smoke itself is not too bad, i found it a woody/piney taste but i have even tasted blue cheese on some occasions. Gives a slight dry mouth and pink/red eyes.The high isnt too shabby either peakng over the hour and lasting 3-4 hours afterwards, not overpowering and great for music, i have found myself and friends pondering profound ideas and has even made me more creative and sociable during the week. It is a perfect strain for stress, i often like to light up after a hectic day in the office, all the stresses of the day instantly disappear! Instant mental relief!Growing outside the 3 plant yield was not great but enough to last me a couple of months and i did no training and very little maintenance, i suppose if i gave it some more love i would have got a better reward. The smell growing was relatively low, it could be smelt but was not overly strong.I would recommend this to beginners like myself with no experience as it grows with little maintenance but not sure i would grow it again though i may grow its Ducksfoot child.