Banana Diesel

Banana Diesel Products

About Banana Diesel

Fans of the Banana and Diesel families are going to be very pleased with Holy Smoke Seeds’ well-balanced hybrid, Banana Diesel. Comprised of Banana Kush and Super Sour Diesel, this flavorful strain is a super heady high that will whip your creative side into full gear. The energized feeling that comes with this high is sure to get you through any lull with razor sharp focus and a side dose of the munchies.

The THC levels of this strain are notable, ranging from 20% to 23% on average, and is complemented by the above 1% CBD average. Because of the CBD and THC contents, this strain is a great help to anyone suffering from stress but it's not typically recommended for those who rely on CBD for treatment. The buds of Banana Diesel burst with flavor as you might expect from a cannabis flower with that name, and boast aromas of diesel, nuttiness, and of course ripe, sweet banana. The palate isn’t too far off, though there are hints of tanginess on the forefront of the smoke. The flowers are lightly orange-hued but they are typically olive green with red-orange hairs and a frosting of resinous trichomes.

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The Banana Diesel high is indicative of both of its parents because it leads to intense euphoria with bouts of giggles, munchies, and a full wave of creative energy that lasts throughout the high. It first washes over you after just one hit, starting in your head and making its way through your core to your limbs. The ebb and flow of tingles bring with it little bursts of excitement, leaving the user motivated and raring to go. This is a good time to get through your to-do list or pick up a new art project you’ve been meaning to start. This strain is a favorite amongst musicians and artists alike.

Typical Effects


Common Usage

ADHD Symptoms
ADHD Symptoms

For medical treatments, Banana Diesel is highly effective on mood disorders and mental illnesses such as bipolar, stress, depression, chronic fatigue, and mild cases of anxiety. As it is extremely stimulative you’ll feel your emotions level out and your mood lifts almost instantly. With that being said, however, if you do not know your limits, proceed slowly as it can agitate more severe cases of anxiety and can induce mild paranoia. In addition to its uplifting properties, the CBD levels of this strain help with pain relief, headaches, and nausea.

This indica-dominant beauty isn’t just a treat on the nose, it’s also a treat in the garden. Many gardeners have stated that this plant is great for a beginner or intermediate, making it a good stepping stone strain, that is if you can get your hands on the seeds. While it is a fairly versatile plant, growing both indoors and outdoors just fine, it is increasingly hard to come by and may pose more of a problem in that respect than the actual raising of the plant itself. For indoor growth expect a 7-to-8 week flowering time with an average yield, or for outdoor cultivation, you can expect a late September to early October harvest.

Even though it’s hard to find outside of the UK and California, it is well worth the footwork if you’re the determined kind. If you happen to be in the area of San Diego, Los Angeles, or most of England, you should definitely give it a try and enjoy how light and motivated this strain makes you feel. Banana Diesel is a great anytime high, though it may be served best during the day as it has a tendency to be long-lasting and upbeat.

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